Summer Falls Mini Round

What known as EBG “Summer Falls” mini round begin in late 2019, though it was several months late, because this were meant to celebrate summer, but it was already autumn at that time. So we decide to celebrate both summer and falls, because in some certain part of the world such as Hawaii, it was still summer at that time, and the round is mostly in tropical setting, which is similar to Hawaii and the equator region.

The round set in Somerset, a world of everlasting summer. The earth of Somerset are mostly submerged in water, due to climate change that cause the rise of sea level. While majority of landmass are drowned, many living being, along with civilization of man, migrates into an alternative; the back of gigantic turtles known as zaratans. These creatures are like living islands, with some are almost as large as a continent.

Unfortunately, the greedy exploitation of mankind in quest for profit have awakened ancient monsters that embodies every form of pollution. These creatures, and the story of the round itself, is a critique to the issues that are very real in our world. Climate change caused by global warming, the greenhouse gas caused by carbon emission, all linked to the usage of fossil fuel, and on this round, these monsters thrive in such toxicity.

Thus, this round is more than a battle against monsters, but nature vs pollution in itself.

For further information, please check the round intro of Westermarck!

Summer Falls Mini Round (Somerset) Introduction

Beyond here are the events of the round. Please make sure that you read them one by one, as everything here will be put in the correct chronological order.

Summer Falls Mini Round – First Battle

Summer Falls Mini Round – The Scylla Class

Summer Falls Mini Round – Scylla Battle Scene

Summer Falls Mini Round – Scylla Battles Analysis

Summer Falls Mini Round – Prologue to the Final Boss

Summer Falls Mini Round Final Boss (Character Form)

Summer Falls Mini Round – Final boss battle scene

EBG Summer Falls – Round Result

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