Summer Falls Mini Round – Prologue to the Final Boss

The final boss prologue is here!

Featuring a special guest:

Alfonso Rivera by @merlifan

Tagging all players@TheBiologist13 @litericy @Sandcat @Spider-Hawk @Benxall @TheTrueTerrydactyl @blue_jay @MistickMage @MainsGrills @nighted @Shadowdrakon99 @ZacKember

          Author’s note:

Originally, I didn’t plan to make a long, detailed prologue since this is just a mini round, but I decide to do it anyway to fulfill the message of the round. The round begin with ideas about environmental issues, and I think it would do justice if it’s strongly emphasized here.

This meant to be done yesterday but I struggled with my ideas because I need to implement many different characters into a political event, and that’s definitely not easy. In the end, I hope that this can do them justice, even if most of the characters barely talked.

Also, unfortunately, I can’t feature every single characters of the round because it would makes the writing goes too long. I hope that would not upset anyone that’s not included.

Anyway, here goes nothing!

EBG Summer Fall Mini Round – Prologue to the Final Boss

~ A diplomacy turned into disaster ~

REMINDER: Every EBG battle scenes are specifically optimized for website view on desktop and not for mobile. For best of experience, I strongly recommended to read the battle scenes on a computer than on phone. There’s no guarantee that the display/visual on phone match the intended result, which might include error such as missing font or bad coding.

Additional Note: Don’t forget to close the document outline on the left screen.

[ Music of the Prologue ]

Tip: Right click on the video and select “Loop” to keep the music playing!

          (For page 1 into page 5, until the mysterious broadcast)

          (Pages 5 and onward, begin after the mysterious broadcast)

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