Summer Falls Mini Round – Scylla Battles Analysis

We don’t normally do this for a mini round, but I’m doing it anyway since I’m bored~

So, here are important points in consideration about the battle, regarding the outcome, possible scenario, and other things to analyze between the characters.

Please remember that you should read the battle scene first before reading the analysis.

Summer Falls Mini Round – Scylla Battle (Masterpost)

Everything else would be hidden under collapsible button below, to avoid spoiler, so anyone who didn’t read the battle scene yet, would not get accidentally seen the spoiler.

Tagging all players on the round@TheBiologist13 @litericy @Sandcat @Spider-Hawk @Benxall @TheTrueTerrydactyl @Benxall @Crimson_Scythe @MistickMage @MainsGrills @nighted @Shadowdrakon99 @ZacKember

Lyn vs Prophetess of Plague

The Prophetess is the most wanted among the Scylla for a good reason. She’s not the strongest, not the fastest, and not good in combat. However, wherever she goes, whatever that exist around her begin to die, as all that lives will rot and decay.

This one is surprisingly tougher than what I initially expected, because the Prophetess is designed to be taken down by Lyn. Those with strong life would be able to resist the deadly aura, so she would be able to fight without worrying of herself. However, it turned out that Lyn cannot deliver that much of damage by herself, and because the Prophetess cause decay to all plants, Lyn is severely weakened, especially when her poisonous attacks are ineffective.

Luckily, she still have some bolts of life energy that could weaken the defense of the Prophetess, allowing her other abilities to support her, such as her golems and vines. This added by the fact that according to the lore, the Prophetess always brings more monsters around, thus many soldiers would be around to fight them as well. Although Lyn would surely disagree on using firearm since she disliked forest fire, such incident bound to happen, anyway.

Once the Prophetess weakened, she would start singing… And that means, everything that exist in nature, even the landscape of the island, would be melting rapidly. At this rate, Lyn must use her GS transformation. Now all that’s left for her is just to get the right spot and aim to the weakness of the Prophetess, that would be exposed while she’s singing.

In the end, the force of life, triumph over the bringer of death.

Bhod vs Whisperer in the Mist

The Whisperer is by far the only Scylla who could just doing nothing but breathing, and the entire area would be frozen overnight. This is because they convert water into extremely cold gas, a mist that shrouds the surrounding world, in addition of being toxic.

Bhod who mastered the power of flame should be able to roast the creature easily, but this is another case where a match unintentionally ended up being harder to carry on. The reason is that I remember that Bhod can deliver thousands degrees of heat by himself, and so I thought that it wouldn’t be a problem for him. However I miscalculate, as not every single one of his move can reach such temperature, which is why he struggled to burn the creature.

The Whisperer is fireproof due to their coat of slime, that makes them stronger than battleships. It would took an extreme level of firepower to blown open their defense, which something Bhod could do, but the thing is that his temperature depend on his determination.

Though, Bhod can probably oneshot the Whisperer, we assume that he goes by using normal flames first, which have their own function, such as protection and purification. From there on, he can additionally deliver bombardment, then summon his twin snakes of flame. When the time comes, all that he need to finish his foe is his spear, fully charged and launched!

With that, the seafood turned into a well-done hot pot meal.

Icelia vs Sovereign of Flames

The Sovereign is considered as one of the most powerful Scylla, even more than the Prophetess or the Whisperer. The reason for that, is that those two are only dangerous for their specific abilities, such as spreading decay or to freeze the island. The Sovereign meanwhile is destructive to anything because they simply breathing flame, triggering wildfire to national scale, burning every villages and cities in their way. Because humanity reliant on firearm, they have no chance to ever bring down this creature, which is why they’re the most feared.

Icelia have what it took to defeat the Sovereign, but it’s no way an easy task. Her opponent is high in the sky, meanwhile an icicle or some cold wind would do nothing on the Sovereign. Her wolves and golems could help, but only when they could hold on to the creature. Though Icelia can empower her scythe and toss it away, it’s still not enough to bring down the beast.

A timing is necessary for the golem to catch the Sovereign and to use their freezing breath. Though this will not be fatal, it would weaken the Sovereign because it can douse some of their flame, or to drastically reduce their body heat. This would makes it easier for Icelia to unleash her ultimate move, which is a devastating blizzard storm on a massive scale.

Honestly, I contemplate on Icelia using her crystal wings and shoot lasers to the Sovereign, but I decide to keep that for another time, because the Sovereign is already freezing to death. Since they’re a brittle ice statue now, they would shatter easily. Considering that they’re literally freezing right now, it would most likely cause them to fall straight to the earth.

Thus the Sovereign rest in thousands of pieces.

Sidian vs Ravenous Hunter

The Hunter is the strongest and fastest Scylla when it comes to actual combat, since they’re the only one among the Scylla who rely on physical attack, in up close and personal style. They’re absolutely ferocious, savage and brutal, knowing no mercy and designed solely for hunting, in both land and ocean. Their special ability is regeneration, and to manipulate their body composition, allowing them to create new limbs or merged them into one big tendril.

Sidian is the right man for the job, but it’s not a walk in the park either. Though he gained benefit of fighting a flammable creature, the Hunter can rip their own body to dispose their burned organs, while they regenerate again and again. Normal flame would not be enough, but fortunately, Sidian have different types of flames, including one that can reduce healing.

Overall, the battle is more about skill than about stats. Because from stats alone, Sidian is greatly outmatched in term of strength and speed. On another side, using fire should makes this too easy, but that’s not entirely true. Depending on their moves, Sidian could ended up getting butchered, or the Hunter could turned to ash too quickly.

In order to make it more fun, I designed the scenario carefully, so Sidian would be able to use his abilities to the fullest. For example, I make sure that the Spawns could absorb a bit of energy from the Scylla, so Sidian would learned more about the creature. Sidian then would decide to make the creature suffer long enough for him to show many of his moves, which ended up making the monster went berserk, unleashing their super sharp tail!

A wounded Sidian means an access to his Corrupted Form. At first, I doubt that Sidian would need this form, or that he could actually use it here since I don’t know if he would be wounded or not. However, accounting the speed of the Hunter’s tail, it seems that Sidian would be fatally wounded, thus his true form unleashed. From here on, it’s a battle between two predators.

In the end, I choose to end it with a dragon-like breath, to end a really close match, for maximum epic moment. The desperate beast would lunges in, wrestling hand-to-hand with Sidian, locking on each other, and get blown to ashes from point blank blast.

Coda vs Deep Dweller

The Deep Dweller is the only Scylla that must be fought underwater. They’re not a fighter, not too aggressive or confrontational, preferring to wait for their prey while they set traps. Their specialties is to consume and reuse any petroleum-based substance into both plastic, which modeled so that they become huge net of gelatinous, sticky cluster, like a spiderweb.

Coda is the only submission on the round who is an actual sea-dwelling animal. His combination of being made of flesh and enchanted with cybernetic technology allow him to challenge the Scylla, while the Scylla themselves would be interested to each them.

Although Coda does not possess much power rather than raw brute strength, his voice allows him to repel the Deep Dweller due to its extreme level of decibel, which louder than jet engine. Their cyborg body also gain them resistance against the adhesive property of the sticky net, and could survive long enough from in case they’re swallowed alive.

What Coda need to kill the Deep Dweller is just a good ol’ bite on the right spot, because the creature just happened to be weak to piercing damage, and Coda got one hell of a strong bite.

And so, the Scylla is nothing but a meal for the whale. A tasty, tender revenge.

Kestrel vs Queen of Catastrophe

The Queen of the Scylla are mystical, enigmatic being of high intellect. Although every Scylla already highly intellectual, this one is also magical, able to communicate with telepathy, controlling matters of both solid, liquid and gas. This means, she manipulate both the land, ocean and the sky, but only for limited radius around. So, the weather is out of her reach.

Kestrel are made to counter her, but the Queen counters her as well. First of all, Kestrel can use all the four basic elements, but the Queen can do better, with exception of fire. On the other side, Kestrel can summon natural disaster, including storm with lightning.

Anything other than pure energy would be thrown back by the Queen. Perhaps, this makes her the easiest match on the game, because her weakness is so obvious. The thing is that, no one else but Kestrel can call down lightning, and it’s not easy to do either.

This version of Kestrel is still so young and inexperienced. She need to swim away, jumping and running away from monsters and avoiding catastrophic events. Her knives, bow and arrow could never hit her opponent because the Scylla can bend them away. She need time to concentrate on summoning the storm, and to call down lightning to roast her enemy.

But once the thunderbolt comes, it’s the end of the game.

Allan vs Screaming Chimera

The Chimera has three defining characteristic which also their capabilities. First that they have wings to fly, making the only winged Scylla in existence. Second is that they used echolocation because they’re blind, which is why they’re really noisy. The third is that they shoot projectiles down from the air, which are like machine guns of poisonous spikes.

Allan can handle all of them by using his bat-dragon form, the Nightime Nightmare, because he can fly and he’s using echolocation himself. He can deflect the projectiles when he used his wind power, but those abilities are locked until he prayed to his goddess.

Until then, Allan could try another trick, such as using his wolf form to run away. He could try to reach the ocean and to transform into his snake self, forcing the creature into underwater combat which he would gain obvious advantage. Though whether or not his snake bite would worked, and whether or not whirlpool can do anything against the Scylla… no one can tell.

One thing that I’m sure is that Allan could gain aerial superiority once he prayed to the goddess. He can surely deal with the spikes now, though I can’t confirm whether the super projectile of the Chimera can be blocked or not, since it’s just that powerful.

Well, either way… Allan just need to use the wind to rip and tear.

Yakaira vs Laughing Stalker

The Laughing Stalker is the most devious of the Scylla. A mastermind in mental manipulation, they spread madness and insanity from the shadow, unseen and invisible. Those who manage to find them have no guarantee to ever could touch this sly creature.

Yakaira has what they need to track down the creature, with their magical eyes that can detect many kind of things that normal eyes wouldn’t be able to see. The question whether they could breach the defense of a psychic barrier plus telekinesis that can lift big boulders?

Based on her weapon of choice that is a sacred bow with such powerful arrows, that’s within possibilities, since they can pierce through steel and unleash many different type of arrows. In case none of them worked, she got an energy beam as well. While the Scylla could deflect a lot of physical attacks, energy beams are not something that they could block.

Though, we never measured the power of Yakaira’s energy beam, so it’s questionable… However, assuming that they’re at least as strong as her normal arrow, then it only required one or two hits for the core of the Scylla to break, considering their crystal-like nature.

Once the eye shattered, the society should be freed from their control.

Luca & Leven vs Reaper of Revenant

The Reaper are the weakest of the Scylla, physically at least. However, physical combat is meaningless because they can turn themselves into oily substance to escape many kinds of threats. When that’s not enough, they can become spirit-like entity, able to phase through objects and move like the wind. With this, they can snatch their prey and eat their soul.

Luca can’t fight for his own good, but he’s a summoner after all. On the game, he can only summoned Leven, which would be the one fighting for him that’s a horrible excuse for submitting two characters in one form and would need to keep Luca save all the time.

Leven can control the nature, which might help in the long run, but it’s still hard to pin the Reaper without a sufficiently bright light, especially in the middle of the night. This is why he need to use his elven blade to create a shining light in order to slay the creature.

Originally, I planned for the Reaper to “jumpscare” Luca from behind, taking him as hostage and almost manage to steal his soul, but Luca than unleashed his inner insanity, destroying the monster along with everything around him, that disintegrates at once.

But in the end, the bane of the Reaper is the sword of light.

Meyer vs Smoldering Smoker

The Smoldering Smoker is the only Scylla where their special abilities are not powerful at all, because their strength lies in something else, that is their mineral-based exoskeleton. The reason why they spew smoke is to dry the land, and to quickly decompose corpses, in order for them to harvest more bones easily, including the bone of the Zaratan of the island itself.

Meyer by himself stand no chance on breaking the armor, that could withstand many powerful explosives, and then could regenerate back overtime. Ironically, his smaller insects could do the job because they can slip past the defensive plating. This is actually remind me why Indonesian having our own rock-paper-scissor rules. Man beaten ants and elephants crushed man, but elephants ended up eaten by ants. Why? Because they’re so small that the elephants can’t do anything. The power of insects comes in large number of teamwork, after all.

Though in order to actually deal meaningful damage to the Smoker, a powerful impact is needed, and Meyer can do that by using his beetles or centipede. What even better is to use acid, because it would corrode the armor, thus weakening their defense. Which is why when the Venovorous comes, the Scylla can do nothing as they’re showered from above.

Once the armor broken, the hulking titan is nothing but another food for the hive. Ironic that he who want to turn everyone else to bones, get turned into bones in the end.

Luzia vs Grave Crawler

The Grave Crawler is the only variant of Scylla that used virus other than any other form of poison, as they possess the ability to reanimate corpse into zombies. It’s something befitting of a worm because they’re actually closer to bobbit worm, even if they looks like a centipede.

Luzia is perfect for the task because she can move silently and could transport between the shadow. But what truly makes her the right one, is that because she’s not afraid of such nightmarish creature. In fact, she would consider every monsters in the round to be adorable.

From the hindsight, Luzia might not be strong enough to break the armor of the Crawler, but she can increase her damage by constantly attacking, eventually able to break boulders. With the combination of her chains, she can hop in while keeping the creature chained.

When she fused with Brandon into Shinigami mode, she might be strong enough to destroy the Scylla by herself, but I like to make her use advantage of the environment first. Since I put them in an urban setting, she could use the huge construct to do her job. I think that a sufficiently big pillars would be heavier than even trucks. This is because she need to find a way to makes the Crawler unfurl from their ball position, and crushing them seems like an option.

Once the creature opens up, Luzia can use her strength to break their pincers next and attacker the monster from the inside. I read an idea of Luzia restraining the Scylla with her chains and makes it contracts tightly to rip them to two. So I decide to makes it extra painful because I don’t think that she can rip them to two, but she can put her crowbar in their mouth.

…Ouch… that must be a horrible way to die… 

Raphael vs Rotten Abomination

The Rotten Abomination is that one Scylla that’s the nastiest among others. Although every Scylla are poisonous, the Abomination is specialized in corrosion with their acidic slime. They dwell in swampy lowland and their stench can be sensed from miles away.

Raphel is our only hope against such creature because you need someone who can fly away and could purify all those filth. Since Raphael focused on purification and could summon natural disaster, he could purge the poison while constantly damaging the Abomination.

Whether or not his purification can purify those disgusting pollution or not, we don’t know. But what important is that he can blast his way, in case his weapons isn’t enough. He might even used his ultimate form which is the Inquisition mode, but I don’t think that’s needed for now, because his ultimate move that is the Fall of Corruption is already powerful enough.

Even after the Abomination killed, the world still need some purification. I guessed that Raphael going to babysit the turtles until they’re fully healed.

Tsunami vs Tower of Corruption

This towering Scylla is the largest known Petrolith in the world, and the primary goal for every governments to bring them down, because they’re like the HQ of the Petrolith themselves. To brought down the Tower of Corruption would be a big step for mankind, because this Scylla reside in where everything started, when all the tragedy begin, on that drilling platform.

However, no one can reach the Tower due to their remote location, and because the entire ocean in their surrounding have been corrupted, preventing any ships from reaching.

This is indeed the job for Tsunami, the muscle of the Water Elemental! She’s specialized on cleaning pollution on the ocean, and she’s so massive that she’s larger than the Tower itself. However, the obstacle is that she naturally absorb pollution in her way, making her vulnerable, getting weaker and weaker the more she goes into the center of the dead zone.

For this one, there’s no alternative option, and there’s no room for strategy. Tsunami need to keep moving because if she gives up, she will simply sink down. This battle is all about her determination to keep on walking, and there’s nothing else but her willpower to save her.

In the end, she prove herself and able to reach her destination. With her remaining strength, she manage to rips out the towering Scylla, ending the pollution for good.

Now, Tsunami is sleeping in the bottom of the ocean for years to come… But perhaps, with the help of her allies, we could bring her back to the game, on the final boss battle? All that she need are someone who could purify all that pollution, which is not an easy task…

Either way, she did what she must.

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